Part two of our showcase with some more of the wonderful properties we have available with outside spaces – this time including a few which are more affordable for everyone. Here are a few of our favourites!

It’s May time and throughout the UK, this is a traditional time for families and couples to start looking for green, private outside spaces to take advantage of the warm days and long summer evenings.

Are you thinking about moving but struggling to keep up with the conflicting reports in the media about what lenders are currently doing? This can be a minefield and speaking to a lender is one thing but getting through is another and when you do you will only have their options available to you. Let us help guide you through.

We have learnt what’s best to keep our clients seeing great results – even in lockdown.

If you had planned a move this year which has been delayed by the current situation we find ourselves in, then we have a solution to help you get started!

It might seem impossible, but there are ways to help you pay your mortgage off earlier than planned.

Is your home ticking all the boxes for would-be buyers? Here are the top features they value above all else.

Which season will ensure that buyers come flocking to view your home?

Finding the right time to buy, and dealing with all the hassle that comes along with the purchase – will buying in the UK ever get any easier?

During these tough times we are aware that many people are reassessing their outgoings. Please take a look at the video from Rob Starr, Managing Director of our partners Seico Mortgages, and contact us if we can help. Great advice, take a look!

Tenants move out of their current rental due to various reasons. Some of these reasons are out of their control, while others are a matter of personal preference. Here are five of the most common reasons why renters choose to move on.

Being proactive means thinking and acting ahead. Not only is it a great method for avoiding more work down later on, it can also be extremely important for averting problems. To be proactive, you need to start taking action, embracing your responsibility, and controlling your responses. Follow this guide for tips to help you stay ahead and have and a much more proactive outlook.